Imagine your business, your income and life.

Money is flowing

regularly and effortlessly.

You enjoy your work

and life.

You know exactly

what you are doing.

It feels good.

And it seems that you received your lucky girl spell.

The only question is


Unlock 3 crucial subconscious blocks

that are stucking your business.

1How you received attention affects your relationships with clients.
2Your primary trauma defining your business.
3Wounds from father and mother are forming your success.


DETECT the exact shape of your blocks and how you are recreating them again and again.

RELEASE them. Let go what is no longer serving you.

REWRITE  your subsconscious to the new desired patterns and outcomes.

Hi, I am Žaneta Ariati,

I am a well-being counselor, soul mentor and female entrepreneur activator.

I help my clients to live soulfull life. A life, which is the expression of their soul. Where they belong and most importantly feel great in it.

With passion I am activating success gene in female businesses. And guiding business ladies to success.


Let me help you rewrite the old patterns and stories,

that are holding you and your business back. 


you will get

3 intro videos

explaining each block

3 Soul healing sessions

releasing the patterns

3 afirmation cards

to anchor the new intentions

Imagine how much it costs you not to evolve.

How many clients are you missing?

Your business is ready for the change.

You can trust the feeling. You can trust your intuition.

You can trust your soul and follow the guidance.

Apply by filling the form below


Do you have questions?

Write me on
